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  1. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    Happy News re: Peacock Gudgeon parasite Update... I finally figured out that these little worms were a type of body fluke. After trying everything mentioned here and a few other things, I was able to find a hand drawn picture by a someone on another site. He had said he used Hikari PraziPro...
  2. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    None. Down two. :( don't think the others are going to pull through. Sent from my SM-N900V using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  3. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    Hi, Love your username. It seemed to appear overnight. Either that or whatever it is is just so small that I did not notice it.
  4. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    Their eyes are not cloudy. Sent from my SM-N900V using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  5. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    Ok I use prime water conditioner. Gave a good dose of stress coat. See if that makes a difference. Shook the heck out of the bottle of nitrate tester and was between 5 and 10 ppm. My bad. Never gave it that good of a shake before. Fingerscrossed. Thank you all for the help...
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    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    I live in San Diego, so no to a lot of rainfall, unfortunately. Nontheless am going to give stresscoat a shot. I have moved loach and guppies to another tank as suggested by Brookster123 and Delapool. I don't have time to make a QT. I am a mom with kids that keep me running...
  7. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    I appreciate the advice from both you and Brookster123. Thank you. Sent from my SM-N900V using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  8. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    Brookster123 I did not ignore your answer. You did not give me an answer. I was looking for an Identification. Instead I got judgment. I want to first cure my fish. You never once until your last post gave me anything helpful. Thank you for finally giving me something. You don't have...
  9. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    When they get bigger I will move them to my bigger tank. Right now I really would like to figure this out. I have researched what this is and can find no answers. Someone has to know......
  10. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    Hi Delapool. I really appreciate your help. ph 6.8 temp 78 ammonia 0 ppm nitrates 0ppm nitrates 0 ppm added a few new plants I can't tell if they are moving or if its the water flow. They are so small. I took the picture by holding my phone up to a magnifying glass. The spit on fin is new...
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    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    My pleco is about 3 inches at the most. albino longfin bushynose don't get big. He is under 1 year. Everything in my tank is tiny. 5 Guppy babys. 1 1 inch long yoyo loach. 3 tiny harlequin rasboras. Anyways, OK its overstocked. Do you know what is on my fish...... Thanks
  12. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    The tank is 10g. Tank has been setup for 1.5 years. I tested the water the other day. Everything was good. Any other info? Thanks
  13. D

    Peacock Gudgeon, fungus or Parasite???

    Hi there. Hope someone can help me figure out what to do about my 4 Peacock Gudgeons. Yesterday morning I noticed what looks like tiny white worms all over them. I don't think its ICH. I asked someone and he thought it was a fungus so I treated with Pimafix after 25% water change and 2...
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