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  1. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    Thanks!! Really wish I could know for sure. It's a little frustrating! ? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  2. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    sorry I posted the same pic twice on the last post Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  3. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    Ok. Hopefully someone will see this. I went to the pet store to get a new back to return my second male in. They told me they thought they had one female left. I looked and the only visible difference was the end of the dorsal fin was more rounded and the pectoral fins seemed a bit shorter. So I...
  4. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    ? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  5. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    There was about 10 of them at the same pet store here. Figures right? Does yours special order for you? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  6. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    CoronaBlue your fish are very beautiful. Especially your hammy rainbow! :) Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  7. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    Well. With this one in the front (she/he's the one you thought might be a girl) this one and the brightest one hang out together non stop. Then "odd one out" as I've been calling it hangs out sometimes but gets chased away by the brightest one sometimes. So I'm thinking this one must be male...
  8. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    Brookster123 this is the one you were 45% sure is female. Got some closer pics. Does this help the percentage go up or down? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  9. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    So in the last pic the top one would be female I'm guessing and the bottom one and your middle pic would be male?! I'm totally guessing only because the top has rounded fins and the bottom has the "jewels" on the black spot although I've been reading that's not entirely accurate as well. "Get...
  10. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    Mind pointing out which is the questionable female? I'm heading to the pet store to check out the rest of the group they had and see if they are all males or if there are any obvious females. Thanks for the help! Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  11. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    Well that's not good! So much for trusting the pet store to sex them! I have no I interest in breeding them, just for display. I imagine keeping the three males together would not be good then? What would you suggest I do to make them happy? Thanks for the replies!!! Sent from my iPhone using...
  12. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    Hmm. No one yet? I took a few more pics today. The third pic stays kind of drab and the first pic fish seems to nip at #3. Both #1 & #3 get along with #2 just fine. They are in a 29 gallon planted aquarium. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  13. N

    Another blue ram sexing request

    I've been searching and reading about sexing these guys and I feel like I might have two males and one female from what I've read. I don't feel confident in my skills at all. Anyone want to take a stab at the genders for me? P.S. I just picked them up yesterday and they had no color at the pet...
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