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  1. J

    TB, Columnaris, or something else?

    Hi Just a bit of background. In my Australian native tank I've been losing a couple of fish a months. I always quarantine and use a hand full of medications during quarantine to try and kill any parasites and bacterial infections before adding new fish to my main tanks. I thought I had...
  2. J

    Discus Belly Indented

    I have personally used it to treat whole tanks and that's the only way it would work because I would be about 85% sure other fish would be carrying the parasite. I can't give you a guarantee that it's 100% safe but from my experience it has. Do a google search about deworming discus. I would...
  3. J

    Reuse Quarantine Tank

    I keep a few sponge filters going in my tanks so I always have a sponge filter for a QT tank. After quarantining I boil the sponges
  4. J

    Discus Belly Indented

    I would be deworming them asap. Try to get Kusuri Wormer plus. Unfortunately because it's in with other fish, you would need to deworm the entire tank. Discus people usually go crazy with deworming discus. I know a lot that will deworm every 6 months Not sure how new you are to fish keeping...
  5. J

    Fight Club help

    You have aggressive fish in a small tank. For starters, most of the time African cichlids need to be over stocked to stop aggression and a 30g tank isn't big enough for the ones you have. Plus I couldn't imagine adding a rts being with African cichlids. It's like you have put 3 pitbulls in a...
  6. J

    Melting, fuzz algae, ferts... my head is spinning

    I wouldn't stress to much, my plants did this big time at first due to a few issues. First being the normal new plant melting but also the massive amount of ammonia from the ada soil. I honestly would use very little ferts until the ammonia drops and you can get cO2.
  7. J

    Columnaris or Dropsy?

    The sick fish is swimming fine, it's her "sister" that is acting strange but all my female's have very large abdomens. I do the whole pea feeding once a week to all my fish.
  8. J

    Columnaris or Dropsy?

    Thanks for the reply. Some fish in the main guppy tank are swimming a little funny. Her sister is swimming almost completely with her head pointing straight up. I forgot to mention, for some reason I'm also getting ammonia readings from that tank. It's been running for over a year.
  9. J

    Columnaris or Dropsy?

    I have posted more pics. Not sure why this is happening, only a couple of months ago the fish had camallanus worms, now this :-(
  10. J

    Columnaris or Dropsy?

    It looks like they sticking out a bit. I have treated both the qt tank and main tank just now with Tetracycline just in case Unfortunately most meds are hard to get in Australia. I also have Tri Sulfa. These are the only to antibiotics we can get here. I could order some from the States but...
  11. J

    Columnaris or Dropsy?

    Hi One of my guppies this morning had what to me first appeared as raised scales only on one side. I thought it was dropsy and moved her to a qt tank with Epsom salts. Once in there it now looks a little different, maybe Columnaris. Here are some pics (sorry for the quality) If you guys can...
  12. J

    Blood Parrot Sick Or Normal Peeling?

    Hi Is it possible for you guys to take a look here and tell me if this is normally what happens when BP "peel"? I have 2 BP's and this guy is the smallest, the much larger one is still grey. Sorry in-advanced for the poor quality photos and dirty tank. I moved the guy to a spare 30g tank...
  13. J

    Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite readings

    Sorry just realised what I replied originally made no sense lol. I meant to say "yeah it wouldn't hurt" lol
  14. J

    Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite readings

    This is getting strange. I tested the water using API and Sera, the Sera test twice came back as ammonia being crazy high like over 5ppm and the API came back as 0ppm. I have 2 sets of Sera ammonia kits and both read the same. So I decided to purchase a 3rd test kit. I got the seachem kit. Not...
  15. J

    Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite readings

    Thanks, where I'm not are believer in "magic cycle" products but yeah it wouldn't help
  16. J

    Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite readings

    Thanks for replying :-) Yeah I have done that today
  17. J

    Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite readings

    Hi I have setup a new 4ft tank about a week ago with a Tidal 75 and sponge filter. I used a bag of media from my 5ft's canister filter with new sponges and matrix for the hob. On top of this I also used a seeded large intake sponge and some substrate from said 5ft tank. This is how I have...
  18. J

    Any idea what this guy is?

    I have a baby JD and looks very similar.
  19. J

    Need Some Help To Decided On Blood Parrot Housing

    Thanks for the reply, I won't be housing the JD and BP'S together, my JD hates other fish, he won't even live with a BN pleco unfortunately. Someone suggested needing to have at least 3 BP's but I'm worried about the 60g tank being too small for 3.
  20. J

    Crap it's cold!

    Can I swap? It's been over 45c (115f) here in Sydney Australia lol
  21. J

    Need Some Help To Decided On Blood Parrot Housing

    Hi People, I currently have 2 juvenile Blood parrots in a 45g and 1 juvenile JD in a 30g. I also purchased a 60g tank today and in the process of setting it up. Now my issue is the larger BP keeps biting the smaller one and has removed scales from both sides of the poor smaller BP. What I...
  22. J

    Meds For Cory's And Yoyo Loaches?

    Thanks for the reply. On another forum, it's been suggested only to use Paraguard at a low dose.
  23. J

    Meds For Cory's And Yoyo Loaches?

    Hi People, I picked up 3 salt and pepper Cory's and 1 yoyo loach (yes I know I need a larger group but that's all the LFS had on hand). The guys are in a 5g QT tank and would like to treat them for diseases/parasitics etc before adding them to my 20g. I have the following meds on hand...
  24. J

    Strange red worms in filter

    Thanks for all the replies. I have been in hospital getting a knee reconstruction and been to out of it to write a reply. Haven't seen my fish since Tuesday and won't for another week or so unfortunately. ​​​​​​​
  25. J

    Strange red worms in filter

    Thanks for the reply guys but I thought blood worms are small? I found one around 10cm (about 4 inches) long in the bottom of the filter. I'm worried because they look more like Camallanus :(
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