1.5 inches/gallon vs. 1 inch/gallon stocking level

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 30, 2004
Tifton Ga
I know I'm stirring the pot but, are there ceratin situations where one could use the 1.5 inch per gallon rule on stocking a tank? Let's say that your tank water cycled at least 10 or more times an hour and that you did 30% PWC every 7 - 10 days. Let's also assume that the aquarist is relatively well experienced. Then, maybe, 1.5 inches of fish wouldn't be so bad. I know a lot depends on the size of the fish so lets say the fish were all compatible and were 6 inches or smaller in length. And no goldfish!

I believe that 1 inch per gallon is safer and more sustainable. I also believe that 1.5 inches per gallon should be the absolute max. However, I've looked at enough profiles and corresponded to enough people on this website to know that there are some that ascribe to the 1.5 inch level, with additional filtration and PWCs.

This is also posted in getting started. Some probably think it is more suitable for the unhealthy fish section. They may be right.
I have overstocked tanks and understocked tanks. I don't go by how large the fish grows (okay, I will not be putting an arrowana in a shot glass anytime soon), but by the fish's needs and temperament. For example, many oscar lovers will suggest a minimum of 50-75 gallons for one oscar. The fish isn't going to grow 50-75 inches. On the flip side, I would keep over a 100 pygmy cories in my 50 gallon if that was all I wanted to keep.
Plus you also have to consider the bulk/body shape size not just the length. So if all your fish were small bodied/slender you could probably go with more length inches per gallonw with good filtration.
good enough

That is what I wanted to hear. I think as long as you choose fish wisely, and consider their dimensions and swimming/feeding habits, a tank can have very different stocking levels. Its not just the length of the fish, it's the individual nature and dimensions of each individual species in a community. I think?
Plus their waste/eating habits. Some fish are very messy eaters(oscars for instance).
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