Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I've got a 10 gallon that's half full of water. My newts don't really like to come up to land too often (if ever) so I just have a couple of ornaments poking out the top and a small internal filter.
What kind of fish would like this sort of environment? Would my betta get along with my newts? I'm sure 5 gal of water would be enough for him, seeing as he's only in a 1 gal now, I just don't want them to fight.
Here's a pic if it helps any...
What kind of fish would like this sort of environment? Would my betta get along with my newts? I'm sure 5 gal of water would be enough for him, seeing as he's only in a 1 gal now, I just don't want them to fight.
Here's a pic if it helps any...