37 gallon reef help w/ skimmer & lights

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 19, 2008

Got my 10 year old 37 gallon eclipse system running 2 months ago. Havent run a legitimate tank is @ 8 years. Wanna make it a reef tank. I am going to replace the eclipse hood with an emperor/penguin something like that. Am i correct to think that if i get a filter w bio wheel or dual bio wheels ( & carbon) for say a 100 gallon tank i will have a better chance of not overloading my tank. By the way I have @ 80-100 lbs of fiji liverock.

The reason im gonna refpace the hood is b/c i want to go to better lighting. The 2 bulf P/C retro fit for the eclipse does not seem to good to me. Would you go with a 4 bulb P/C outfit or a 4 bulb T5 HO. I know the cost and lifetime of the diffrent bulbs but i just wanna know quality wise. Both outfits would have dawn dusk and Led effects.

Last question, i want to throw a HOB skimmer, Bak-Pac 2 or AquaC Remora. Also would it be beneficial to throw a 2.5-3.5 gallon fuge on the back.

I currently have some zoo's , yuma's, and ricordea. I am planning on adding some star/daisy polys after the change. I would have to learn more on other corals before thinking of adding them.:bowl:

Any info would be great!

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