40 Tall

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 27, 2012
I have a 40 tall fish only, the tank has been up and running for 2 months. (pretty boring) but I finished the cycle and am ready for fish. I want to get a few damsels for a few months to be 100% sure all is well and really get the tank established. How many can i house and are there any that arent as agressive?
I have a 40 tall fish only, the tank has been up and running for 2 months. (pretty boring) but I finished the cycle and am ready for fish. I want to get a few damsels for a few months to be 100% sure all is well and really get the tank established. How many can i house and are there any that arent as agressive?

Just make sure that all your fish are semi aggressive or not because I add damsels then when I wanted another type of fish they where killing it because there very territorial and aggressive
I would skip the damsels and put the fish you want in there. One fish at a time and monitor ammonia levels.
I agree with X. It won't take months to see if your cycle worked. Add a fish , monitor ammonia and nitrite levels and if they stay zero for about 3-4 weeks, add another fish. What are your plans long term for fish?
I really want a Flame Angel. not sure if it would be happy in a 40? would love advice for a stock list. I'm open to anything.
Check out places like liveaquaria.com and look at suggested tank sizes. They also have lots of other good info like compatibility.

I would say no to any dwarf angel in anything less than a 75g. If you absolutely had to have an angel, go with a Pygmy ( Flameback or Cherub).
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