Aquarium Advice Newbie
I recently took over my girlfriends 55 Gallon tank a couple weeks ago, and in the start of February it will be switching to 90 gallon. However its been having some major issues as of recently and with some fish store help I've learned a few things about it but i wanted to open it up online for more help. currently the tank has likely over the amount of fish it can support which is why its being swapped to a 90 gallon. however still trying to sort out some issues prior to to swap. currently the tank reads as having extremely high Ammonia/ammonium. it is stuck in the ammonium state though which prevents it from effecting most fish in the tank however it is affecting the axolotls. the ph of the tank doesn't read on a scale currently. however if i raise the ph ill likely kill all the fish from the ammonia/ammonium readings being way off the chart currently. I've dumped in 250 gallons worth of live nutrifying bacteria to try to start dealing with it and was told to not touch the tank for awhile, (don't add or remove fish, nor do water changes) what can i do next to help or any ideas besides getting rid of fish.
also does anyone have a good easy way of cleaning sand? i have a sand substrate because of the axolotls eating rocks.
filter is currently a fluval canister 407 with added ammonia pouches
also does anyone have a good easy way of cleaning sand? i have a sand substrate because of the axolotls eating rocks.
filter is currently a fluval canister 407 with added ammonia pouches