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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 15, 2008
I'm so excited. I know my tank is kinda small for the fish but it is over filtered but anyways my LFS got in some large clown loaches about a month and a half ago and they sold pretty quick except for 1 clown thats about an inch and a half long. He has been there for about 3 weeks. Well I decided to add him to my tank since he was alone anyways. I only have a 29 but plan to get a 120 in the next 6-8 months. To my suprise he shaols right up with my yoyos(3). He doesnt leave them alone and they get along great. I'm so excited. They are such fun fish. My next task is to get rid of my 8 female guppies in my 10 gallon and get some phantom tetras.
The clown will shoal with the yoyo's. Glad to hear you are getting a bigger tank. The clowns grow fairly slow so that is a plus to your time frame. Wait until you see how they act when they get in a bigger tank! They race back and forth, over and over. Quite entertaining.
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