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will MTS eat plants? I have grass type plant in the front of my tank can't remember the name sorry and it is getting eaten all the way down to the roots almost like a lawn mower wound cut it.
I have the small rams-horn type snails and they only eat the dead plant matter and left over food and algae. Are these new plants you put in the tank or any new fish? My flag fish likes to mow my corkscrew vals.
MTS do not eat plants. Never known pond snails to eat live plants either. Red ramshorn snails will often eat live plants as will spixi snails like the striped ones mgamer20o0 has in his photo.
never seen red ramshorns eat any of my plants i have a bunch. pure spixi shouldnt eat plants. the babies maybe adults no. the problem with spixi is they can breed with i think maculata which has been banned. its a crazy plant eater. it can mow down a tank.
yes since they are the only ones that really go into the sand / gravel. they only can become out of control if you over feed. no food no breeding. you could always bait and trap extras out or invest in assassin snails.
Ok the lady kinda flipped when I asked for em, then told me that I shouldnt get them because they are bad snails and she cant get rid of em out of her tanks and claims then came in 3 years ago on some fish.
I do overfeed but to be honest the cories and kuhlis clean that mess up.