Advice on Longfin Bannerfish

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Sir Ottis

Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 9, 2008
I have a new 90 gal Reef tank with 2 clown fish. I am planing ahead before I decide what other fish I want to put in the tank over the next year or so.

I am looking at possibly a Blue or Yellow Tang, and a Copperband Butterfly.

I really like the Moorish Idol but have no intention on tackling that. So I am looking at the possibilities of a Longfin Bannerfish.

Does anyone have any experience with one of these?
As I understand, the Bannerfish is called "The Poor Man's Idol" because they resemble the Moorish Idol. BUT...The Bannerfish is NOT reef safe. They eat corals. You say you have a 90Gal Reef tank.
Depending on specie there are plantivores that also feed upon benthic crustaceans and invertebrates, but anything is fair game in an aquarium.
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