Aggression question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 28, 2011
Hey AA users got I quick question hope you can answer for me. My neighbor has a 90g corner tank
His stock is:
a mix of real and fake plants
5 diamond head tetras
5 emporer tetras
6 prestilla tetras
6 serpae tetras
2 upside down cats
6 corys
8 danios(assorted)
6 rainbowfish(assorted)
5 buenos aires tetras
5 cherry barbs
3 swords
1 Molly
1 platy

My(his) question is he just added 6 harliquins and 5 female betas (and since he works for the local pet store chain in the fish dept) the question is how aggressive will the betas be towards his other fish
a female serority like he has there wouldnt be as agressive as a normal single male, i dont think youl have any problems. maybe just a little agression toward each other as pecking order.
the female bettas will only be agressive to the other female bettas, as a dominance thing.. if it were a smaller tank, say a 30 gallon, yea, thered be problems, but theres alot of room.
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