Aquarium Advice Freak
Hey AA users got I quick question hope you can answer for me. My neighbor has a 90g corner tank
His stock is:
a mix of real and fake plants
5 diamond head tetras
5 emporer tetras
6 prestilla tetras
6 serpae tetras
2 upside down cats
6 corys
8 danios(assorted)
6 rainbowfish(assorted)
5 buenos aires tetras
5 cherry barbs
3 swords
1 Molly
1 platy
My(his) question is he just added 6 harliquins and 5 female betas (and since he works for the local pet store chain in the fish dept) the question is how aggressive will the betas be towards his other fish
His stock is:
a mix of real and fake plants
5 diamond head tetras
5 emporer tetras
6 prestilla tetras
6 serpae tetras
2 upside down cats
6 corys
8 danios(assorted)
6 rainbowfish(assorted)
5 buenos aires tetras
5 cherry barbs
3 swords
1 Molly
1 platy
My(his) question is he just added 6 harliquins and 5 female betas (and since he works for the local pet store chain in the fish dept) the question is how aggressive will the betas be towards his other fish