I don't really subscribe to the "overstocking helps" theory when it comes to aggressive fish. I actually understock and give each fish their own territory.
IDK. i had just heard and read that in several places. what do you think the ideal # of mbunas would be in a 75???
The filtration doesn't dictate the amount of fish you can have in the tank IMO. There is still fish waste in the tank and when you add more fish, the amount of waste increases. It still has to be removed and no amount of filtration will remove the waste/Nitrates.
i would still do my water changes and vac the gravel once per week to get rid of the waste & nitrates. i've always thought the more filtration the better though, especially if the tank was packed.
When it comes to Africans, the fish choices are iffy. You can't really give a specific amount nor say for sure which ones will work. What fish do you have in the tank right now? Not all Africans are equal. Some are more aggressive than others and can cause issues no matter the tank mates.
i'm new to the hobby. i don't know much about the species. i didn't spend alot of money on particular genetics. i buy my fish from my lfs. they are assorted cichlids. i always buy them from the same display tank. i assumed, that meant they could be together.
When adding Mbuna to the tank, try rearranging the decor. Mix up the territories. Add new fish during feeding. It will distract the other fish for a bit and give the new ones a chance to roam around. But first lets start with which fish you have in the tank right now.
i found a cichlid ID chart on-line an attempted to identify what i have for you. to the best of my ability, this is what i have:
4 x metriaclima lombardoi
2 x pseudotropheus crabro
2 x labidochromis caeruleus
1 x labeotropheus trewavasae
1 x malanochromis auratus
1 x metriaclima estherae
1 x nimbochromis livingstonii
1 x jewel cichlid
1 x shiny silver w/ black verticle stripes (didn't really look like any at that link)
i've tried adding fish during feeding, but it didn't really seem to help. i've read it helps to add them at night, after the light is off. i've also read to add them during a water change. take the old water out, add the fish, and then start refilling. it said the old fish would be distracted by the filling process. have you ever heard of either of those???
how about the temp, do you think that helps??? supposedly, if you cool the water down some, it slows their metabolish and will have a calming effect. what do you think about that???
thanks again! ! ! ! !