Air pumps with backup power and Alexa compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 5, 2023
Lebanon, OR
I have Alexa setup for "Feed the Fish" which turns off the filter and air pump so the fish can eat without the food going everywhere. Alexa then counts down 20 minutes and turns everything back on. I want to switch over my air pump to a battery back-up version to account for loss of power to the house. This means when I "Feed the Fish" the air pump would remain on when Alexa turns everything off. I need to know if any one makes an air pump that has a FEED position on the pump that will shut it all the way off that could be activated by an Alexa style plugin?
Thanks for all your input, and would gladly accept any other ideas.
Airborne 82nd is on to a good idea which is a pump that only turns on when there is no power to the house. It remains separate from my Alexa setup which turns off a non-backup pump for feeding times.
Does anyone know how long the D cell battery's will last on their own? Does anyone know if there is a larger rechargeable battery version that's rated for more than 29 gallons?
So if I read you right the pump you have now is plugged into Alexa (Smart plug) to turn it off. If you plug the pump I linked you to into the same Smart plug then when you tell Alexa to turn your primary off the new one will come on and they will reverse when you tell Alexa to turn on. You may need a splitter you can get them at any hardware store or Walmart I have the same one on my 75gal. running two 3in. round disk I know it has run 3 hrs. but did not check Battery v
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Let me try this one more time. It looks like you want to leave everything on Alex like it is. If that is correct the you need to plug the pump I linked you to into a outlet that is not run by Alexa. I have not seen a battery backup pump that is smart enough to do what you want but it might be out there. Sorry I didn't read your post correctly

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