Air Stone Problems After Installing Check Valve

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 20, 2024
I had a lot of bubbles coming out of the air stone until I installed the check valve. Now there are hardly any bubbles coming out of the stone. The check valve has an arrow on it and I installed the valve with the arrow facing the top of the aquarium. Any idea on why there are hardly any bubbles coming out now?
The arrow should be pointing in the direction of air flow. Are you sure it's installed correctly and not stuck closed?
It has an arrow on it and the arrow is pointing towards the aquarium away from the air pump.
Just for grins turn it around if that does not work get another one. You should be able to blow in one end and not the other.
Figured out what the problem was. The check valve was bad. Put a different one on and now the air stone is put out more bubbles. Now I need to connect another air stone to the same air pump. It doesn't seem like there is enough air circulating in the tank.
What is better several air stones or a powerhead pump to circulate the water in the aquarium?
First of all what makes you think you need more air or circulation? What size is your tank and do you have large or small bubbles. Can you post a pick? Do you have fish that are gasping for air?
We have a 55 gallon tank and the bubbles are small. We have two dwarf african frogs that seem to be going to the top for air a lot. Also we have a lot of organics in our aquarium water and high phosphate levels. The Poly Filter pad that I put in the filter turned brown immediately after I put it in from the organics. I understand a powerhead improves oxygenation and helps keep waste and debris from settling on the bottom of the tank.


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We have a 55 gallon tank and the bubbles are small. We have two dwarf african frogs that seem to be going to the top for air a lot. Also we have a lot of organics in our aquarium water and high phosphate levels. The Poly Filter pad that I put in the filter turned brown immediately after I put it in from the organics. I understand a powerhead improves oxygenation and helps keep waste and debris from settling on the bottom of the tank.
You do know that the frogs are air breathers don't you? ;) they only take oxygen from the water when they are tadpoles. There's no need to add aeration for the frogs to breathe but you do need to get the water settled because they are drinking the phosphates. Do the water changes. :) (y)
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