Air Stones

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 3, 2015
LaGrange Park Il.
Hi I had a problem over the summer. My heater went crazy. Temp rose and lost a few of my favorite fish. The fish were on top gasping for air. I put an air stone in the tank. Bought a new heater. I am running the air stone now. Fish seems happy . So I put an air stone in a couple of other tanks of mine. Fish and plants are doing good. Question is do I need the air stones? I put an air stone in my 10 gal that has a hang on back filter. There are some plants in rock wool but no sub straight. The other two tanks are 37 gal with canister filters. Planted and with sub straight. Any ideas? Thanks:ermm::fish2:
Generally I think air stones are not needed unless they are doing most of the work in creating water movement at surface which will help with gas exchange. Fun to have though :)
It is my opion that air stones in a planted tank are not needed or advised. Don't need gas exchange to help c02 escape from water. If im wrong I'm sure some one will post that i am.
Air stones can help cool a warm tank. In addition to creating a water current the microbubbles (and their popping) greatly enhance evaporative cooling, lowering temperature. Warmer water holds less O2 than cooler water. And it stands to reason your fish appreciated it. And that's on top of the increased O2 dissolving into the water.
However, it does decrease the amount of CO2 in your water (and increasing pH in a stabilized system), which the plants require. I don't run air in my tank for that reason.

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