albino bristlenose pleco

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 24, 2009
new york
my albino bristlenose pleco died about 2 weeks ago because of my stupidity
i miss him and would like to get the same fish
i saw an online breeder that is willing to ship a single male fish to me and he suggested a ups 2 day shipping method
has anyone ordered a fish online before?
how reliable is this method
i do not mind wasting $15 for the fish and the shipping as no LFS has this kind of fish but i fear for the life of the fish
it would be horrible to die in a dark bag with an occasional banging and throwing
people who breed fish and ship them KNOW what they're doing. they use the proper breather bag, good packing material and methods. if you have doubts about a particular seller, look at their feedback.
If the fish is not going to get banged around being shipped to you it will be banged around getting shipped to someone else. You might as well be the one to give it a good home.
PS: I love plecos, I have a bunch including a regular albino BN and a longfin albino BN.
If you ever have questions about plecos visit
Have you thought about finding an aquarium club? I know there are several members here that breed fish and the albino bristlenose happens to be one. That is how I got my purple moscows, I found a breeder and he was only to happy to help me out. He also had a bunch of bristlenose fry.

A lot of people breed them and ship them very successfully.
Hey Kanster, I have an abundance of ABN plecos right now and can sell you one if you'd like. What size are you looking for? I have too many in my 100g tank and they are as healthy as can be. I have 2" at the smallest. I planned on getting a bunch of them and growing them out, which I have, but now my plans have changed slightly and I don't need as many of them. Send me a PM if you are interested. I ship fish all the time and am very experienced in doing so.

Also, breather bags with plecos are not a good idea at all since they have spiny fins and are rough all over. They could easily tear the bag and the water will leak out leaving them with none! You have to use regular bags with plecos and double bag them at a minimum.
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