ok i am having a problem with every fish that goes in my tank exept one has died in the past three days
i tested my water and every thing looked fine so i took my water to three different lfs and they all said it was fine
its a ten gallon tank been going for a month now did a fishless cycle that when really fast due to 11 lbs of cured lr and ten pounds of live sand
slianity is at 1.22
and every thing else was a 0 exept my nirates which where at 20
i did a water change no one knows what is going on
there is some coral that came on the live rock the could of had some die off would that do something to the water that wouldnt show up in tests
i tested my water and every thing looked fine so i took my water to three different lfs and they all said it was fine
its a ten gallon tank been going for a month now did a fishless cycle that when really fast due to 11 lbs of cured lr and ten pounds of live sand
slianity is at 1.22
and every thing else was a 0 exept my nirates which where at 20
i did a water change no one knows what is going on
there is some coral that came on the live rock the could of had some die off would that do something to the water that wouldnt show up in tests