all my fish are dieing

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 18, 2009
ok i am having a problem with every fish that goes in my tank exept one has died in the past three days

i tested my water and every thing looked fine so i took my water to three different lfs and they all said it was fine

its a ten gallon tank been going for a month now did a fishless cycle that when really fast due to 11 lbs of cured lr and ten pounds of live sand

slianity is at 1.22

and every thing else was a 0 exept my nirates which where at 20

i did a water change no one knows what is going on

there is some coral that came on the live rock the could of had some die off would that do something to the water that wouldnt show up in tests
one fish at a time exept the two baby clowns i added after the first fish died

the fish store said that the first one that died could have just been bad luck and said try the two baby clowns then they died the next day

i have been really thinking about giving up on the fish for a couple months and just let the tank go with out any in there for a while
I assume you mean you salinity level is 1.022 and not 1.22, otherwise that would be the culprit.

How are you acclimating?
It could also be bad fish from the LFS. Try buying from somewhere else.
yes i did mean 1.022

and am drip acclimating them

and the what is now four fish cause one died last night are all from different stores

how can i be over doesing them with chemicals i havent added anything
He said that "He" was overdosing with chemicals.
yeah my bad i miss read it

does any one have a clue what is going on

is there a better way to acclimate the fish
You seem to be doing it correctly. How long to you drip acclimate? What I do Is I first take a reading of the PH & SG of the bag water and acclimate until I get that same reading as my tank. anywhere from 40 mins to 1 hr.
thats about how long i do it just over an hour

i have tryed both drip and adding a quarter cup of water to there bag for an hour

had my water tested today again by a different shop and then did another pwc not going to add any more fish for a while to see if i can flush out what ever is killing them

maybe drain all the water and recycle the tank
It could also be bad fish from the LFS. Try buying from somewhere else.

Gonna agree with this one. And if you're relying 100% on the LFS for your test results, I'd also get a test kit and start doing your own. But from everything I've read, it sure seems like you're doing everything right.
I agree with Kurt. How are the fish being caught in the wild?
i was testing my water my self but i wanted them to dubble check cause there where still dieing

the fish that was still alive(he died) where blue damsels

ok i wont recycle the tank im just going to let it run and add food for the bacteria to live off of and just keep doing pwcs for like a week or two
good news after doing two larg water changes two day apart i added a fire fish and he is doing great in the tank

i guess i flushed out what ever was killing the fish
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