Amano Shrimp w/ Eggs - now what?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 10, 2016
SE Ohio
So I picked up 2 Amanos for the 40gal. 3 weeks later she is full of eggs. Any suggestions on how to increase chances of successful rearing?20190325_202550~2.jpeg
Unless you have a brackish water setup, 0% change.

Even with all the tools, very slim you'll have any survivors.
Ok, i had read about the brackish water at 25~35 ppt for the best chances but wanted to see if anyone had suggestions. I have a 10gal that i may try and set up.
Yeah, picked up some instant ocean and a hydrometer yesterday. Will get some things set up and see how it goes. I figure she has been carrying for a week or so.
When the eggs get close to hatching you should be able to see the shrimp babies and eyes. Make sure to cover any filter intakes with a sponge. Fluval sells some for the Edge tank.
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