Hi there
I have been having ammonia issues (0.25-0.5) in our established planted 150litre tropical tank for about a month now. There is 0.5 ammonia in our tap water. To deal with this we have started waterchanging with RO water, but this hasn't made much of a difference. Our nitrates are also 20-30. Higher than normal for us. We have lost one platy so far with pine-coning. Relevant factors:
- madagascan snail infestation (literally hundreds) - could the dead ones be feeding the ammonia levels?
- Quite a lot of old food pellets are in the substrate because my hopplo sternum catfish hoards and doesn't eat them all. They are not siphoning up easily when I clean which I do on a weekly basis.
We are going to reduce the bio-load on the tank by getting rid of a lot of platys over the next 10 days, but in the meantime I am starting to wonder about changing the substrate completely - taking all the snails with it and euthanising the lot of them with clove oil.
Will a change of substrate cause huge additional problems? Advice very much appreciated because this is our first tank.
With thanks
I have been having ammonia issues (0.25-0.5) in our established planted 150litre tropical tank for about a month now. There is 0.5 ammonia in our tap water. To deal with this we have started waterchanging with RO water, but this hasn't made much of a difference. Our nitrates are also 20-30. Higher than normal for us. We have lost one platy so far with pine-coning. Relevant factors:
- madagascan snail infestation (literally hundreds) - could the dead ones be feeding the ammonia levels?
- Quite a lot of old food pellets are in the substrate because my hopplo sternum catfish hoards and doesn't eat them all. They are not siphoning up easily when I clean which I do on a weekly basis.
We are going to reduce the bio-load on the tank by getting rid of a lot of platys over the next 10 days, but in the meantime I am starting to wonder about changing the substrate completely - taking all the snails with it and euthanising the lot of them with clove oil.
Will a change of substrate cause huge additional problems? Advice very much appreciated because this is our first tank.
With thanks