anenome problem

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 3, 2009
Canada BC
Hi Im new to saltwater tanks I have a 34 gallon Red Sea Max plug and play. Its been running for 3 month. I also have a long tentacle anemone some days it looks great and some days the tentacles are shriveled up. I am just so worried about it wiping out my whole tank. I am at the point where I am so stressed about this thing that I am having a hard time enjoying my tank. I was told b the dealer I got it from if it starts spewing out its insides that I need to get it out. Any advice you can give me would help.
Is the angel nipping at it?
What kind of lighting do you have?
I also want to know what kind of lighting? I believe that`s the problem.
The Angel has not bothered with the Anemone at all. None of the fish have. Now today it looks good. The light I have in there is the ones that came with the tank. Not sure if any of you are familiar with the tank but if so is it possible to rig up a different lighting? I got this tank as it was suppose to be easy to deal with. So far its been nothing but a headache. Large amounts of bubbles shooting out from the circulation pumps. LOTS of debris floating around. I've been on the phone as well as emailing Red Sea for about two months now. They have been really good at sending new parts but I my as well built the thing myself. I think CaptainAhab has it right. Whatever the stock lights that are in the RedSeaMax 130/34gal
Eeeewwwww K...

Perusing another thread it looks like you have an Angel, a yellow tang and a Blue/Hippo in there? Anything else?

Your anenome may just be trying to find a quiet place to contemplate life in an over crowed aquarium
Thats it for fish besides the clean up crew. Its fully up and happy looking today!!! Do you really think its over crowded? Why wouldn't I be stopped by my fish supplier? I only have three fish. and they are all very small. The blue Tang is the size of the tip of my thumb. I am planning on up grading to a bigger tank sooner then later I am just starting and have never had a tank before beside a 9 gallon fresh water.

Along the same line of thought as CaptainAhab, since the tank has only been up for 3 months with all those fish, have you checked your water parameters? Specifically... ammonia and nitrites?
...Why wouldn't I be stopped by my fish supplier? ...

Because they wouldn't make money off you anymore if they told you that you were maxed out? Just a guess...

Size of the fish really doesn't matter. You've got fish in there that really want to be in a much bigger tank. Different fish need different spaces to "stretch their fins", like they do in nature. Just because a fish is small doesn't mean that it still doesn't need that space.
If they are that small then it's a problem waiting to happen though that yellow looks pretty big. On an aside, aren't those blues so cute when they are that small? Anyway...

What's that to the left of the anenome in the picture?
Ok I have posted a couple things. Once again sorry.... not sure if i mentioned the blue Tang was sick they day I got it before it was even in my tank. I thought it was dead. I posted a message about sick blue tang. To make a long story short, it was a miracle the Tangs alive but has white spots so I was told to use Melafix( safe for all coral ...ect. Thats when it(anemone) looked like it was gonna turn inside out. I only used it the one day as someone on here told me not to use it. As for my levels I keep a journal>>> please keep in mind I am new at all this
NO2:between 0 and 0.1
NO3:between 0 and 5
NH3: between 0 and 0.1
refractometer: 1.024 ppt 32

and I have done a partial water change since then
not sure what's to the left?? cleaner shrimp or some anemone/coral thing starts with a "M" I think. Great you all must think Im so cruel!!! So what my next step? Are these fish all gonna die or can I get away with it for a bit? This has been the worst salt water experience ever. Well the guy I get my fish from is really good to me. Even replaced a fish that died. He has said no to alot of things I would like.
Melfix is for bacteria, ich (assuming thats what you think it is) is not a bacteria. Unless you are treating for possible secondary infection from the ich infestation.

Never heard Melfix was bad for inverts. Makes one wonder if the amm/trite numbers are above 0 because the Melafix destroyed some of the bacteria though.

He may just be unhappy with the water quality at this point.

Did you run some carbon to get the Melafix out of there?
I posted more about the ich on your sick fish post Kimber. If your LFS is telling you to use melafix to treat ich, then I wouldn't trust them too much for info. They may be nice to you, but they're sure giving you some bad advice... including fish selection.

I'm going to take a giant step back and ask if you've cycled the tank? I'm assuming you have, but sometimes those assumptions get us in to trouble!
yes it look like a Anemone. It starts with a M. Carbon!!!!!! I will try that. I was told to take it out cause I have live rock and sand. Ill put it back in. I can really smell the Melafix in the back where the skimmer is.
Ok I started it up with live rock and sand and a couple clown as he had no chromis and I live 4 hours away. I need fish and that all i could get. I got it up and running. I got the brown algae, then the green and now it looks great> I kept a journal from day one checking everything. All levels were exactly where the test kit said they should be.
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