okay so i bought three young angel fish a long time ago. they are all grown up now and i think i have a spawning pair! the only problem is i know nothing about angel fish and breeding them(i wasn't planning on breeding them) the reason i think i have a spawning pair is because:
my tank drys up quickly and i sometimes forget to fill up thetank and i have like these air filter things. I was looking on there today and noticed little round orange looking things. I realized they were eggs but the water had already gone down passed that point where the eggs were so the eggs are dead. I was wondering what could have laid them...i have my angel fish in that tank, guppys but they are live birth so they can't lay eggs, cory catfish but they never go up to the top of the tank, gold dojo loaches but they too never go to the top of the tank, and snails but there eggs look totally different from the ones i saw today.
so does anyone have any advice on how to care for the angel fish?
i think the guppys i have in the tank are eatting any eggs they do spawn so i will get rid of them as soon as i possible can. Plus i need to move the angels into a differnet tank so i can put my jack dempseys in the bigger tank. Whats the smallest size tank i can get when i have money to put the angels in?
or i could leave the angels in the tank they are in and move the jack dempseys into whatever big tank i get next.
so many things to do but just need a little advice before i do anything or make any desicions!
my tank drys up quickly and i sometimes forget to fill up thetank and i have like these air filter things. I was looking on there today and noticed little round orange looking things. I realized they were eggs but the water had already gone down passed that point where the eggs were so the eggs are dead. I was wondering what could have laid them...i have my angel fish in that tank, guppys but they are live birth so they can't lay eggs, cory catfish but they never go up to the top of the tank, gold dojo loaches but they too never go to the top of the tank, and snails but there eggs look totally different from the ones i saw today.
so does anyone have any advice on how to care for the angel fish?
i think the guppys i have in the tank are eatting any eggs they do spawn so i will get rid of them as soon as i possible can. Plus i need to move the angels into a differnet tank so i can put my jack dempseys in the bigger tank. Whats the smallest size tank i can get when i have money to put the angels in?
or i could leave the angels in the tank they are in and move the jack dempseys into whatever big tank i get next.
so many things to do but just need a little advice before i do anything or make any desicions!