Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I was getting tired of my test tubes falling over when I would test my water. So last night I came up with an idea. I found my kids little cup that you can stick a straw through, it has a soft cover. I found my test tube fit through the small hole perfectly and therefore sliced a few more small X's, have to be X's, into the cover and I have a test tube holder. They fit snuggly so they don't slide and no more tipping over. So when I need to use them I tip them upright and when I need to dry them I put a paper towel at the bottom of the cup and turn them upside down, snap on the lid until next time. And the test tube covers also fit into the bottom of the cup so I don't loose them. You could use a small cottage cheese container, coolwhip container, etc. I also keep my aquarium salt in a clear plastic canister with a plastic measuring spoon inside, much easier to get out than trying to pour or scoop out of the salt carton.
Any more Ideas? Pass them on.
Any more Ideas? Pass them on.