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I’ve had elephant slugs and nudibranch in my tanks. That looks like a nudibranch. Anything in the tank look like it? That’d most likely be what it is eating.
looks like a nudabranch they usually eat anything that looks like them .
if you have nothing in your tank that looks like it it most likely hitched in
i'd play it safe and remove it
looks like a nudabranch they usually eat anything that looks like them .
if you have nothing in your tank that looks like it it most likely hitched in
i'd play it safe and remove it
I agree .
However leaving it poses little threat besides when it dies from starvation.
If you keep an eye on it just pull it when it dies ..
Mine were purple/greenish and ate my GSP which is just what they looked like.
Mine hitch hiked in on the coral itself. They look so much like I never knew till they crawled off the coral.
All nudibranch are specialized feeders. They will look like what they eat. Once it’s gone they will starve.
If you see one, there are eggs and you’ll see another even after you remove it.
I’d remove it either way.