Api fungus cure vs api melafix and pimafix

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 29, 2012
Which would you recommend I use. I tried api fungus cure but it didn't seem to help at all. What is the difference between them?
I also tested my water for the first time today with api master test kit.PH is at 7.6 ammonia is at 0.50 ( I've added stress Zyme to help with that) and nitrate and nitrite levels are both at 0 please help
You need to do a 50% water change daily to get the ammonia down, and I would also test your water daily as well but about 12-24 hours after the water change so maybe test it just before you are about to do the WC.
What exactly are you trying to treat, is it white spot/ick?
How long have you had your tank up and running and what is your stock, I know I commented on another post of yours but I can't remember your stock exactly other than mollies, and how long has it been set up for?
I have a black balloon molly, golden panda molly, neon, and three guppies. I noticed the one of my black balloon mollies dead and stuck behind the filter today. And my other black ballon molly appears to have Cotton mouth?
I head the tank running for about a month now. Should I buy api ph up and down for the water?
Sounds like your tank hasn't cycled yet. Have you read up on the nitrogen cycle? Check out the article about fish-in cycling in the stickies section. You'll want to keep ammonia bellow .25 ppm via water changes. I cant vouch for the medications, it'll be hard to heal them if your tank hasn't cycled yet. Maybe someone else will chime in on that. Also, don't bother tampering with your ph, yours is fine. Fluctuations in ph cause more harm to the fish, they will adapt to the ph of your tap and be just fine. Also, what are you using to treat your tap water?
I use something called protozin to treat cotton mouth/white spot/ick, and it works for me, i use melafix too but not to treat that.

I personally think you should do a 50% water change every day, and treat the tank with the meds after the change, and test your water before the next days change. I hope that makes sense, don't add any more fish until you have got rid of the disease, and also turning the temp up on your tank will help bring the disease out and heal faster. Using aquarium salt can also help, or be used alone with turning the temp up to treat it, but I use this protozin:


Along with turning up the temp by 2degrees C and it clears it up.

Personally I would opt for something like that over melafix to sort cotton mouth and ick..
I also agree you should leave your PH, that's fine I think mine is 7.5 constantly.
Thanks! I was about to buy stuff to alter the ph levels. I read up on just about everything it's just a bit confusing since I'm new to it. I use api stress Zyme and api water conditioner.
Jc111290 said:
Thanks! I was about to buy stuff to alter the ph levels. I read up on just about everything it's just a bit confusing since I'm new to it. I use api stress Zyme and api water conditioner.

You'll get the hang of it, it's all a bit weird at first. I mean who knew there was all this crap to having a fish tank right? Well at least that's what I thought at first. The fish in cycle thing is hard at first, but once it's over it's worth it. Just keep up on the daily water changes and testing to keep the ammonia at/bellow .25 and before you know it it'll stay at 0 on its own. Good luck man!
Thanks a lot billbug68. I have a 10 gallon. It looked really big when I first bought it but now I can deff go for a bigger tank to give them more room. You're right, I never expected to have to do all this stuff just to make sure the water quality is suitable for the fish. It all costs more than the fish themselves lol.
Jc111290 said:
Thanks a lot billbug68. I have a 10 gallon. It looked really big when I first bought it but now I can deff go for a bigger tank to give them more room. You're right, I never expected to have to do all this stuff just to make sure the water quality is suitable for the fish. It all costs more than the fish themselves lol.

Yeah, but once it's stable and cycled, it's only once a week cleaning and water change, then enjoy the rest of the week!
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