AquaC Remora "drain fitting"

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 26, 2005
The Remora skimmer comes in several different options. What is a "drain fitting"? It comes with or without and I don't know if this is necessary. Also, you can get it with either a Rio or Maxi-Jet pump. Is there any big difference here? Thanks!
The drain fitting allows the skimmate to drain out of the collection cup without you having to remove the cup and dumping it out yourself. Obviously, you have to have a separate container for the skimmate to drain into but since it can be as big as you want, you don't have to check the collection cup daily incase it overflows.

Go with the Maxi-Jet powerhead. It is a better made pump than the Rio.
So I bought the Remora with the drain fitting. But there are no instructions as to how to connect the drain fitting to a separate container. How do I connect a container? And/or, can I block off this drain fitting hole so it doesn't have to be used or am I stuck with it now?
you don't connect it, it just lies inside a container. I would use a 2 liter pop bottle with the narrow opening at the top and just slide the tube in.

You can just plug the line also if you don't want to use it, but I don't know why you wouldn't want that feature.
I'm not sure what you mean. There is no tube. Just a connector that fits into a hole on the side of the collection container. I'm not sure what or how to add another container to this...

Connect the elbow to the cup and slide a hose over the barbed end.
Then put the other end of the hose inside a 2 liter bottle.

No more checking it every day!

I think :?
I have never used my drain tube. instead I have a 3" piece of 1/2" tubing with the end folded over twice (tightly) and taped to hold the folds. this acts as a plug.
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