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Don't know, I want to know what it is before I go and touch it
I realize it can't hurt me too bad, but I don't know how delicate it is. I've touched a few things in by tank and broken them off. This is about the size of a quarter and has taken about a month to get that size. Don't think it's an animal, but what do I know Does have a white dot in the center, but don't know if it's a grain of sand or what. I will try to aggitate it tonight and see if it responds.
Kinda... Very thin and has small anchor at the base where it attaches to LR. On a mushroom rock where I fragged off a few shroom that were on top of it. I will try to get a better pic tonight.
Interesting. I definitely don't think it's an algae. Almost sure on that one. A clearer pic - and maybe one not so close - kinda portraying 'how' it sits in the tank (relative size, etc.) might be helpful.
Originally thought it was a coral as well, but no polyps on surface or anything. Only have the stock 24W 50/50 as well. Just trying to ID so I can give it what it needs?
No mouth, very small anchor to LR, not slimy (as much as shroom) non-responsive to light or poking and prodding. Shrooms are taking over the LR, so I guess it's time do some relocating. Like to know what requirements it needs.
New pic. at least 4X the size as last month and no physical changes other than size. been searching and no idea what it is. I'm almost positive it's an algae of some sort.
It has grown, one more reason I believe it's a macro of some sort. still on the ID hunt. Starting to overshadow the shrooms. First I was worried about the opposite.