I agree it's probably easier to maintain a larger aquarium. But stocking a large one can b pricey. Get some experience on a small 1 and u might decide to upgrade. Small ones r challenging. Especially before the tank matures. After several months it's not hard to maintain at all. But b prepared to spend a little time on it. They need ur constant vigilance for awhile. Do some reading. Decide what u want in the aquarium. Fish, corals, etc. Figure out the proper lighting, filtration, heater, substrate. Where ur going to get the water. U going to mix ur own or buy it from an LFS? I started my 1st nano by mixing my salt with store bought distilled water. I eventually got an RO/DI filter. These r all things u have to take into consideration. And have patience. Don't buy a big CUC , fish and corals all at once. Get 1 or 2 things at a time. Let them settle in a little before adding anything else. Good luck if u decide to do it