Best way to disinfect a tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 5, 2002
Minneapolis, MN / Las Vegas,NV
Hi again,
Just was wondering the best way to clean a tank of yukkies!! I had a koi that developed dropsy and now he has passed on. I need to clean the tank up so I can get new fish in there.
Also~ do fluke tabs & clout work? Whats the difference in the 2?
Thanks as always for your suggestions
haven't tried fluke tabs, had no luck with clout
i would bleach the tank, use a 1 to 10 solution, soak, rinse very, very well--until you can no longer smell the bleach, then use some extra dechlorinator before putting any fish back in, has always worked for me...
same here

i av the same problem cos i have a 2nd hand tank i need 2 clean it! is it ok just 2 clean it in hot water and wipe it down too? Then put water in which ihas been treated? will that work or not?
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