Bio balls..

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 28, 2009
I know (pretty much) everyone in SW-land hates bio balls. I know you can use them for oxygenation in FW too so I was thinking of adding some to my setup.

I've been debating and cant decide which is a better deal.

Lee's "bio pin" balls:

Bio-Pin Balls | Pet Solutions

Or "Nano balls"

Nano-Balls, Media | Pet Solutions

I don't need alot, so I was thinking the nano balls would work. But they are more expensive for the same surface area it seems.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Or should I just save my money..
Where are you planning on putting them? If you have a canister filter then sure put some in it, or if you have a HOB that has extra room for some then sure.
lol didnt know sw people hate bio balls. learn something new every day.

for fw they are used as surface area for bacteria to live on.

another option and cheaper is pot scrubbers. often you can get 2-3 of them at the 99 cent store. you can also find them at walmart or many other places. most people claim they have more surface area then bio balls.
Go to the "Dollar Store" and get plastic pot scrubbers. Just as good and way cheaper. Just wash them well.

ngamer-you beat me to it.
XD Yea I saw the pot scrubbers in another forum. I think I'll go with them. I just like the bio balls because they look cool. :D (And yes, I am planning on putting them in a canister filter)
Bioballs are most efficient when there is an air/water mixture fortifying an oxygen-rich environment for bacteria to thrive. Submerging them in water limits the beneficial productivity, such as in a canister. I wouldn't necessarily say that bioballs are hated, since every professional venue I know of uses them, just perhaps labeled in an extreme fashion as to their functionality.
So I'm sorry, these bio balls are just basically a piece of foam? is that the general idea? like the pot scrubbers that have one yellow and one blue side?...thanks noob here if u cant tell
In my canister filter, I have it like a closed wet/dry sort of thing. I'm not sure how effective it is, but the water path goes over filter floss, then through a drip plate, and it rains over some random little plastic balls i found around the house. I think the raining action from the drip plate sort of accomplishes the "wet/dry" filtration. (even though its not an open system)
Pyro - the bioballs are not made of foam, they're more like a ball of stringy plastic, so there's surface area with room for water to flow all around. The pot scrubbers you've seen are ideal for this purpose since they're porous and have lots of internal surface area. Just be careful not to get ones that are impregnated with soap.
Typically you just want the cheapest ones you can find, since anti-bacterial chemical treatments are what adds to the price, and you don't want to put those chemicals in a fish tank.
Typically you just want the cheapest ones you can find, since anti-bacterial chemical treatments are what adds to the price, and you don't want to put those chemicals in a fish tank.

I just love when things work out :D
I am a HUGE Scrubbie Fan I stuff them any were I can. And before anyone says anything, or starts thinking I am some kind of a kook, I am talking about in the Filters.

Just thought I would add that bit of clarification before someone imagined me opening closets, drawers, and other Nooks and Crannies and Scrubbies just start spilling out all over the place.
I am a HUGE Scrubbie Fan I stuff them any were I can. And before anyone says anything, or starts thinking I am some kind of a kook, I am talking about in the Filters.

Just thought I would add that bit of clarification before someone imagined me opening closets, drawers, and other Nooks and Crannies and Scrubbies just start spilling out all over the place.

xD I think I'm leaning toward them mainly because of the price. Bio balls are just plastic! they are really over priced and im pretty sure they don't really work as well as designed.

Scrubbies = WIN! :BIG:
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