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Minor setback. Discovered a tiny leak in the back right of the sump section. So I drained the back part and put silicone covering the leak. Gonna let that cure and then we’ll see. Should be an easy fix though
Welp I ordered a new tank. 2 small cracks in the back of the tank that sketch me out to much so got a brand new tank for peace of mind. Rather not have a huge incident where the tank breaks and dumps 20 gallons onto our new houses floor
Did some tests to see If the cycle has started. Looks like ammonia is around 4 which I dosed to but looks like cycle hasn’t quite started yet as no nitrites or nitrates. pH is 8.2.
I know cycling stinks but it’s a necessary evil of the hobby lol. I think fish stock wise will be 2 designer clowns and either a helfrichi firefish, blackcap Basslett or a pair of yasha gobies w a pistol shrimp
Cycles definitely going! I added a thing of bio spurs today, gonna test tonight to see if it helped. I was always skeptical of the bottled bacteria but it seems to be working
Not quite sure what to make of my cycle lol. It’s kinda going crazy. Just tested and unless my eyes are wrong it looks like
Ammonia- 0.5
Nitrite - between 3-5
Nitrate- 20