Bubble Magus

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 28, 2015
Does anyone know if the bubble magus c6 is suitable for going in the sump?
Ahh ok thanks,do you think it would be man enough for a 176 litre,in a 30litre sump?

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Should be enough for 60g(aprox)..
Check the link for dimensions to be sure it will fit in sump and water will always be deep enough in the part of sump it will be.
30Liter sump sounds small?(less then 10g)??
I've got a sump left over from a tank I didn't use,so I was guna use it to save buying a new one,the tanks got an overflow box on it so I was guna re-use that to save drilling the tank. It's a Aqua marine 900,Aqua one tank,or do you not think the dumps big enough for that size tank?

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Can the skimmer fit in the sump and maintain 6 inches of water around it?
It is hard for me to accurately say if it is enough or not.
I would try it and see but I always made my sumps as large as possible for pumps,skimmer,reactors,heater......
Ok thanks,I've not bought it yet,I was wanted to see if it was suitable for my sump,I'll take some measurements of the sump.

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