Can anybody identify this plant?

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Nov 23, 2008
I purchased this plant at my LFS. Can't find it on or anywhere else to ID it (I was still in my buy plants that I think look cool, worry about what they require later stage).

Also, wondering if anyone can tell me how I can propagate it? It is growing extremely fast now that I upgraded my lighting and got my DIY CO2 system refined. Can I just cut the top off and replant it in the substrate? Will the lanky stems at the bottom grow more leaves if I do that, or will it just die?

Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you.


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If so:

"There are two ways to propagate the Moneywort plant. When sufficient vertical growth is observed, white roots should begin appearing at leaf nodes. When these roots are approximately one-half inch long, cut the stem 1" below the roots and insert into the substrate. The second option is to allow the Moneywort plant to grow until it has reached the surface. It will start to grow horizontally along the surface and put roots out at each leaf node. Allow these roots to grow to approximately 2" long, then cut each root section and plant in the substrate. This option is best if you wish to grow a large number of plants."
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