Can i get anything else?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 22, 2013
North carolina
I have a 37g reef tank stocked with
1 flame angel
A pair of purple fire fish
A pair of ocellaris clowns
1 valentini puffer
1 snowflake lawnmower blenny
1 emerald crab
1 cleaner shrimp
5 red legged hermits
1 blue legged hermits
2 turbo snails
1 snowflake urchin
My corals are
11 ricordea mushrooms
3 pally zoanthids
9 assorted green and purple zoanthids
4 brain corals
1 kenyi tree
4 encrusted momapipoas
2 green star polyps
1 green torch coral.
Could i get any inverts or fish or would you say i am fully or over stocked?
My filtration is a marine land c-220 canister filter and my skimmer is a CPR bak pak. 53lbs of live rock and 20lbs of live sand. All my perameters are good.

Id be wary of adding any inverts to the tank as the valentini puffer will likely eat them.

However as long as your levels are staying stable I don't think it would be terrible to add another fish.
I would say your fully stocked, I have that many fish in my 55g. Also, if your puffer is young (less that a year old) he may turn on your reef as he matures, same with inverts. Mine was a peaceful little guy until he was about 2 years old now he has a taste for corals and has eaten all my CUC, with the exception of my conch and huge turbo...
I'd be afraid of the puffer with any corals

It's an "at caution" fish. There really isnt any difference between adding one of those to a reef when compared to a dwarf angel or any other with caution fish. It's a calculated risk.
The valentini has nipped at the emerald green crab once when he tried to rip a ricodea off the LR though but he never messes with anyone/anything else.
It's an "at caution" fish. There really isnt any difference between adding one of those to a reef when compared to a dwarf angel or any other with caution fish. It's a calculated risk.

Yeah the angel is reef safe to, he hasnt ever nipped at any corals.
Just keep an eye on them. Their behaviors often change with age.

Alright thanks, would it be ok to get a fighting conc snail? My sand has been growing alot of green algea and it is growing on the walls but the blenny, the angel, the urchin, and the snails keep that in check.
I wouldn't add any inverts. That puffer will eat them. That puffer may be okay now but you've already seen him nip at a crab, it's just a short switch for him to start killing them.

What are your nitrates at?
I'd be afraid of the puffer with any corals

Let me fix that :

I'd be afraid of the puffer with any corals or inverts

as comparable with a dwarf angel I disagree a flame angel or coral beauty is less likely to turn to eating corals or inverts if raised from a young age
Ive had my flame angel over 2 years and my coral beauty almost a year and neither even bother my corals or inverts

I had a Bennett's sharp nose puffer when I started out I thought the same thing it's with caution well over $60. worth of inverts and around $250. in corals later , I now think differently he basically had a feast with absolutely no warning yes he was always well fed
for the puffers weather with caution or not they will wipe out invert populations and eat corals a double risk so don't be fooled he destroyed the reef tank in less than a day
if you decide to stick with your puffer all i can do is hope you have better luck than I did
I'd guess by the fact your having algae problems and it sounds a reasonable stock maybe not. What are your water parameters I'd look into why you have algae problems rather than increasing stock to solve them IMO
Let me fix that :

I'd be afraid of the puffer with any corals or inverts

as comparable with a dwarf angel I disagree a flame angel or coral beauty is less likely to turn to eating corals or inverts if raised from a young age
Ive had my flame angel over 2 years and my coral beauty almost a year and neither even bother my corals or inverts

I had a Bennett's sharp nose puffer when I started out I thought the same thing it's with caution well over $60. worth of inverts and around $250. in corals later , I now think differently he basically had a feast with absolutely no warning yes he was always well fed
for the puffers weather with caution or not they will wipe out invert populations and eat corals a double risk so don't be fooled he destroyed the reef tank in less than a day
if you decide to stick with your puffer all i can do is hope you have better luck than I did

I just picked up a 60g cube, i will be setting it up in a month or so and would it make a difference for the puffer? Would he have more room and maybe lessen the chance of eating inverts and corals later on? Also in the 60g could i get a diamond watchman goby? Or would it fight the purple fire fish? Also would it be an ok size for a yellow tang? The tank is 23 inches long,25 inches wide, and 25 inches tall.
Wouldn't affect the inverts I'd say but the more coral the less any nipping from fish should affect tank as it will be wider spread I'd imagine the goby would be ok due to the firefish not being a bottom dweller and no too small for a yellow unfortunately
Wouldn't affect the inverts I'd say but the more coral the less any nipping from fish should affect tank as it will be wider spread I'd imagine the goby would be ok due to the firefish not being a bottom dweller and no too small for a yellow unfortunately

Any other tangs? And what size would be sufficent for the yellow?
A lot of people say 6 foot I've never kept one but they grow fairly big and need a lot of swimming room so I'd say a 4 foot tank minimum. Maybe a kole but I'm sure someone who has more experience with koles would be able to help
Any other tangs? And what size would be sufficent for the yellow?

Cubes aren't sufficient for any tangs unless its extremely large. They need the horizontal swimming space. 75 is considered minimum for a kole yellow eye and 6ft minimum for most other tangs.
Let me fix that :

I'd be afraid of the puffer with any corals or inverts

as comparable with a dwarf angel I disagree a flame angel or coral beauty is less likely to turn to eating corals or inverts if raised from a young age
Ive had my flame angel over 2 years and my coral beauty almost a year and neither even bother my corals or inverts

I had a Bennett's sharp nose puffer when I started out I thought the same thing it's with caution well over $60. worth of inverts and around $250. in corals later , I now think differently he basically had a feast with absolutely no warning yes he was always well fed
for the puffers weather with caution or not they will wipe out invert populations and eat corals a double risk so don't be fooled he destroyed the reef tank in less than a day
if you decide to stick with your puffer all i can do is hope you have better luck than I did

Another example of "with caution" it depends on individual fish temperament when it comes to eating corals.
Cubes aren't sufficient for any tangs unless its extremely large. They need the horizontal swimming space. 75 is considered minimum for a kole yellow eye and 6ft minimum for most other tangs.

So you are telling me that i will have to go out and get another 60g long if i want a tang? Wouldnt the tang apreciate being able to swim in all directions equally?
Tangs are distance swimmers. They like to go as far as they can without turning. Without that long stretch they get cramped in and stressed. For fish that are already easily stressed, you start setting yourself up for failure via ich.

To tag on with the dwarf angels, I have a coral beauty in my 55 reef. Hasn't really hurt my coral, from softies to sps, but he has nipped at them. In hindsight, I'd ditch him in a minute for something else.

In terms of puffers, the only one I'm aware of that is closest to being reef safe is the blue spotted puffer. Beautiful puffer, but loves to eat clams and would prob make a meal if any inverts in the tank too. I'd have one in my reef, as I don't house crabs/shrimp with my marine betta, but having clams is more worth while for me.
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