May 14, 2009 #1 bmg07 Aquarium Advice Freak Joined Apr 21, 2009 Messages 329 Location Belleville IL i have a 20 gal tank right now i only have i pictus 3 albino tiger barbs.if i shouldnt get another pictus wat wouldbe another good fish to go intheir
i have a 20 gal tank right now i only have i pictus 3 albino tiger barbs.if i shouldnt get another pictus wat wouldbe another good fish to go intheir
May 14, 2009 #2 OP OP bmg07 Aquarium Advice Freak Joined Apr 21, 2009 Messages 329 Location Belleville IL fish
May 14, 2009 #3 Zagz Aquarium Advice Addict Joined May 17, 2005 Messages 17,107 Location Saskatchewan, Canada Do you plan on upgrading to a larger tank? Pictus like to be in groups but a 20 gal is too small for a group.
Do you plan on upgrading to a larger tank? Pictus like to be in groups but a 20 gal is too small for a group.