Cat blocker

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 4, 2025
mount holly, NJ
Hey everyone, looking for some links or screenshots of what yall have used to keep your cats out of the back of your fish tank where the lines to the filter go in/out of the water. Here’s a picture of what I have that I’m looking to cover. If you can’t tell by the mess, some playtime happened overnight. And I’m over it


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Is your cat running about down the back of the cabinet and pulling on the hoses or climbing on the lid and sticking his head in the gap at the back of the lid?

Our cat stopped hiding round the back once he got a bit older.

To prevent things getting in (or out) through the gap at the back a more substantial lid is in order.

My lid is solid plastic covering the whole aquarium. I cut slots in the lid where the hoses pass, and then superglued electrical project boxes over the slot and hose to tidy it up. It's a bit of a mess from the back, but looking from the front it looks neat and has held together for 6 or 7 years so far.


If you search for "aquarium canopy backstrip" these are plastic strips that you attach to the back of your canopy and you can cut out space to allow your hoses to pass into the aquarium. Or just let the hinged section sit on top of the hose.

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RedSea make DIY aquarium canopy kits. They are essentially a bunch of perimeter channels/ edgings with mesh infill that you cut to suit your aquarium, and there is a cutout accessory (bought separately i think) so you can get your hose through the canopy if needed.

Ah perfect. They like to play in the water and attempt to get the fish. They have succeeded in the past unfortunately. Those are perfect! Thank you
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