Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I have a 75 gal tank and i had about a 3 to 4 inch substrate of CC for 2 years and it was a freaking nitrate factory and i wanted to get rid of it because i absolutly hated it so i decided to change it out to black aragonite sand of about 3 inches. I added a fishnet full of the CC in the tank to help seed the sand when i switched it all out 4 days ago. After 48 hours i had a nitrite level of 0.3 and today i have nitrite 0.8 and did a 10gal water change and added 2.5x the normal dose of prime to detoxify the nitrite. Nitrates are at 5ppm, Salinity 1.024 refract, temp 78, PH 8.0. i just ran out of Ammonia test kit so i have to buy another one. (what is a good test kit to buy in your opinion?)
I have coral and 6 fish, snail, and a tiger tail cucumber and they are all in good health from what i can tell. They all are eating and moving around like any other day. When i changed out the substrate i only changed out about 15-20gal of water because i didnt have room for those 15-20gal. Do you think this cycle is going to last and should i continue to use prime on a daily or weekly basis and what do you think about using stability. The only reason im asking about stability is because i already have it and was wondering if that could help me out. Thanks
I have coral and 6 fish, snail, and a tiger tail cucumber and they are all in good health from what i can tell. They all are eating and moving around like any other day. When i changed out the substrate i only changed out about 15-20gal of water because i didnt have room for those 15-20gal. Do you think this cycle is going to last and should i continue to use prime on a daily or weekly basis and what do you think about using stability. The only reason im asking about stability is because i already have it and was wondering if that could help me out. Thanks