Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Been a while since I was on the site. Took advice and slowed things down a bit. I have a 90 gallon Tank w 80 lbs of Live rock that I set up Jan. 22nd. Had a diatom bloom in early february. Lost some fish early on and took the slow route since then. I added a CUC (Turbo, Nassarus, Tonga snails, some hermit crabs) and now have in addition to this a Long Tentacle Anemone, Black Urchin, Maroon Clownfish, Yellow Tang, Marine Beta and two Blood shrimp plus a cleaner shrimp. Three powerheads on a wave strip (Moving about 900 gph) plus the pump for my filter in the sump w two chemical filter bags of Chem Pure + Chem Pure elite (540gph). A Coralife needlewheel protein skimmer (Upto 125gallons) and two UV filters total of 35w. Started adding soft corals (Actually added 1) and a clam. Readings today Temp 78, pH 8.0, dK 4.5, Ca 450, Amm 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0 SG 1.024
How should I deal w the low dKH and low pH with a normal (Or even high Calcium)? I have the two component Bionic, but last time I used it I think it did it incorrectly and killed some fish.
How should I deal w the low dKH and low pH with a normal (Or even high Calcium)? I have the two component Bionic, but last time I used it I think it did it incorrectly and killed some fish.