Chlorophyll a and b

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I would also like to hear some info on this subject, although im sure it has been covered many time. Its just ive read quite a few times that actinic lighting does little to nothing for plants.. I run a mix of dual daylight 65w x2 6700k 10000k aswell as dual 65w x2 420/460 nm actinic lighting on my planted 75g for the last 6 months and my aquarium plants look great. Although I am planning on switching out my actinic lighting within the next couple of weeks. Ill make a post for when I do giving my thoughts on what I think about each and what differences it made both good and bad if any.

I've looked around and mostly on aquarium forums, they say that actinics are useless for freshwater, but when you look at like biology websites, they say that plants have max absorption in red-orange and blue-violet so...
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