Choosing Aquarium Fish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 24, 2011
Hello. Just a couple of suggestions for anyone looking to keep hardy fish. I've kept a lot of different species and for me, I've narrowed it down to just a few. If you prefer egg layers, then go with a species of Tetras. Either black or white Skirts are tough little fish and the Buenos Aires and Red Eyed species is good. Giant Danios are very hardy too. If you're a fish keeper who likes the live bearing type, then you can't go wrong with Platies and Swordtails. These will crossbreed and you'll get larger Platies. Guppies are good too, but a bit on the small side. I suggest avoiding the Rasboras. I've found them more demanding and less tolerant of mistakes in tank management, which happens when you're starting out.

Have fun deciding.

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