Cleaner clams

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 24, 2011
Spokane, WA
I'm think about getting some cheap cleaner clams cuz I was reading they help keep nitrates down but do you need high lighting or any minerals to be put in your water there isnt much of a description on how to care for them
I'd been wondering the same thing, are there clams that maybe aren't very colorful or big, but get most of their nutrients from filter feeding, instead of light?
Yah but do you guys mean the ugly ones from the super market that you can get live?? I had one of those in my sump with a regular light on it for months, it was originally suppose to be food and it eventually died. They probably don't need much light though since it survived so long.
Cleaner clams are filter feeders and require no light. They are ugly and impact on parameter would be minimal. You need a sump full to do anything. But I have 2 or 3 in my sump and I think they are a cool addition.
I'm not looking for a miracle cure, I just like variety in my tanks. Where did you get yours?
Gti_Leo said:
not that i've seen, i've only been on live aquaria and all are moderate to high lighting

I go on live aquaria too but these were on a different site and all it said was care level is easy it's didn't say anything about lighting or calcium I'm sure they need calcium so there shell can grow
I just read on them and there are mixed reviews they say they dont need any lighting or calcium but they are coldwater clams. People are saying they do fine in tropical tanks but others say that they do alright for a week or two but then they hide themselves and die and it's like a bomb goes off in your tank
I got mine from my lfs. They are mostly hitchhikers from I understand. And just grow because they can. Mine were 50cents each. They were just in some of their tanks and I wanted something different too. I have several striped clams growing in my dt that just showed up one day. They have grown from nothing to about 3 inches.
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