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OK so as a lot of you know i was having major problems with my tank and got that all sorted out but i started looking at my fake plants and noticed that thay had build up from the last 5 years of using them and its bad enoughf that they wont ploat like they are soposed to. i took them out and relized theat i dont know how to clean them. ANY IDEAS?? i know you can buy stuff to clean them with but i can not get it around here due to being out in the middle of nowhere.
thanks for your help in advance and thanks for the help you guys gave me on my last q
Soak them in a solution of bleach and water for several hours..(1 part bleach to 19 parts water).....Usually plastic plants that old have lost color and stiffness and don't look very good no matter what you do.....Good luck.
I think just scrubbing them well with a soft brush or maybe a toothbrush should work. Just use water if you dont want to run any more risks in your tank, I know youve been having problems lately...