Closed Loop Manifold? DIY

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You plan on only having 2 outlets? Why only 2?? For the cost of the plumbing parts it would be better to add several outlets (1 for every 10 gallons) and space them out. Plug the ones you are not using. You then then switch to different outlets from time to time to change up water flows.

Not sure what Pump is best for you use (did not read the whole thread) but I just ordered a Sequence Dart. It's a high flow low pressure pump and designed for closed loops. If you are only going to have 2 outlets, then a small pump, even a mag pump would be more than fine.
well in Melevsreef his diagram showed only 2 outlets for his 30 gal. That is the question why I asked. So the 2 outlets I would connect T's correct and add more PVC to branch out to add more outlets correct? Where did you order your pump? Thanks
Put as many outlets on as you want. Keep in mind, adding a bunch of outlets will reduce flow from the pump. A bigger pump might be needed for multiple outlets. If you were to put a 500-700 gph pump and then put 4+ outlets, you might get just a little flow from each.

If this is the only flow, start with 4 and go from there. You could wrop the whole top of the tank with outlets :)
I was thinking if you look at the diagram of the 2 outlets on each side of the tank I would extend to go towards the front of my tank and add another 2 and also add one in the middle of the back of my tank to have 5 total which will equal the one per 10 gal. I am now looking at what are the best pumps and where to purchase them. I can't make them hardwired. I like the idea of the SCWD.
i used a quiet one pump ( 700 GPH i think ) on my 29g. worked great. i also split the the two outputs from the SCWD with a y on each one. the y is located in the tank whenr the out put hits the water. i pointed one on each side across the top of the water and one towards the front and down.
i did still hide two powerheads in the tank also. i like a little flow with my water 8)

steve r
Here is a picture of a closed loop manifold.


Also, this thread at Reef Centeral has a TON of information on manifolds.

The 2 outlet closed loop on Meves site is just a closed loop with a SCWD to create changing water currents.
But the closed loop on Meves site will eliminate the PH in my tank and also adjust the currents where right now on each side of my tank and middle all 3 PH are at max and no changing current. The pic above would be hard since I have a Skimmer and Over hang in the tank but I like Meves photo of how he set it up b/c it would work for me easily. I think I will add the ball valves as he suggested. I just need a good pump that will be efficient and as I said eariler I can add outlets as I suggested above. Thanks
Pumps For a 55g? To Eliminate PowerHeads. What Do You Prefer

I am interested in getting a pump to eliminate my Powerheads in my 55gal reef. What do you prefer as the best pump? Low maintenance, Easy maintenance? Thanks
I have plan to build a closed loop under the sand bed with the outlets sticking up just above the surface of the sand. The outlets would be in the front of the tank and the pump connection in the rear of the tank just above the sand. A submersible pump in the tank, hidden by rock would power it. No Power Heads in view!! The pump would add heat to the water, but so do multiple power heads. Has anyone tried this idea?? Thanks. R
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