Cloudy Water

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 23, 2013

I have an MT50 marine tank with 2 clowns, royal gramma, blue striped goby and a cleaner shrimp. The tank has been up and running for 10 months.

Yesterday I added in a fire shrimp and I woke up to see the water had gone slightly cloudy. To try and resolve this I cleaned out all my filter media and did my water change.

This has not made much difference and the water is still slightly cloudy. Could adding the fire shrimp have caused this? Or could it just be taking longer to settle since cleaning out all my filter media.

Thanks :)
when you added the shrimp, how did you do it? did you dump the water that it came in into the tank?
I floated the shrimp for about 30 mins then added small amounts of my water in before moving it across. I didn't mix the water. Just threw it out once the shrimp had acclimatised to the tank
I haven't tested my water since doing the change but I normally get it tested at my local centre. I also get my water from there as well. I get salt water and fresh water. When I do my water change i top it up with salt water and then if the level gets low top it up with fresh water.
you should always only top off with fresh water only because salt does not evaporate, your salt levels will slowly raise every time you add water, but as far as your cloudy water you prob should have tested your water before the water change so we had an idea on what was going on, after the water change though it may take a day or two to settle, I would still have all of your water perimeters tested tomorrow to make sure every thing is good.. I also personally do not trust water from any lfs, it will be worth your time to invest in your own ro/di unit.. it will save money in 6 months and your water will be a lot better off. you can also add some carbon, it will help reduce ammonia and it makes the water clear..
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