Clownfish fry setup.

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Another update,new clutch hatched on tuesday and clowns have laid new clutch of eggs in the pot again already,randy sods!!!
Ok,just to update this thread,I have just finished setting up the new tanks for the clownfish fry,they are now 2 months old.I have around 40 which I will transfer to the tanks tommorrow and will get some photo's of them in the new tanks.
DIY drain filter with a '90' bend set upwards for overflow in case filter gets blocked.
the new tanks ready to be stocked
and the top of the '90' above water but below tank rim.

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nice setup what are you going to do with the fish trade them to the lfs ?
Ok.Here's some badly taken photo's of my clownfish fry,1 is 3 1/2 months old,1 is 2 1/2 months old and the rest are 2 months old
Hey following this thread, it's pretty cool I was wondering if you have any books on clowns you could refer me to I'm interested in learning more about my pair they seem to be in the " twitching " faze lol. Thanks
Hey following this thread, it's pretty cool I was wondering if you have any books on clowns you could refer me to I'm interested in learning more about my pair they seem to be in the " twitching " faze lol. Thanks
I haven't refered to any books but I've heard there is a good one about,I'll find out what its called for you.
Hey following this thread, it's pretty cool I was wondering if you have any books on clowns you could refer me to I'm interested in learning more about my pair they seem to be in the " twitching " faze lol. Thanks
this is the book I was advise to read but didn't. Clownfish by Joyce Wilkerson
I refered to these 2 threads for additional tips and

happy reading,although I didn't use the funnel method I feel the bucket way better.
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Thanks! I'm interested in just learning alittle more about them all around but the mating is very interesting also!
Hey David I was wondering how you set up your breeding tanks I've looked all over the place trying to find a good way to set up breeding tanks with grow out systems for the fry and it's extremely hard to find post about the tanks set up for breeding. I'm also looking for a good breeding pair to start off with were do you reckamend me looking for one?
Hey David I was wondering how you set up your breeding tanks I've looked all over the place trying to find a good way to set up breeding tanks with grow out systems for the fry and it's extremely hard to find post about the tanks set up for breeding. I'm also looking for a good breeding pair to start off with were do you reckamend me looking for one?
I built the whole system,its pretty easy,the way I've done it is so the fry will hatch and then grow until ready to ship out in the same system,Most people say to hatch the fry in a small round fish tank,this is only good for feeding the fry,PWC's in a fry tank can be a massive killer of the fry,The way I set mine up is they hatch into an old salt bucket with a very slow water supply into it,cut a square out of the bucket below the water level and cover it with some filter media,the bucket is secured within a fish tank which is plumbed to a sump and the growout tanks,normal pwc's can be done at a 10% rate helping with the survival of the fry.

An updated photo of some of the clowns now
If I didn't have 10 other hobbies/projects all going at the same time I think this would be very cool to do. Just don't think I would be able to keep up with it. One SW tank, 2 Ponds and all the woodworking and home improvement projects keep me busy enough. LOL
If I didn't have 10 other hobbies/projects all going at the same time I think this would be very cool to do. Just don't think I would be able to keep up with it. One SW tank, 2 Ponds and all the woodworking and home improvement projects keep me busy enough. LOL
hey,just plumb 2 more 12"x12"x8" tanks to your dt and your there!!!
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