Clowns possibly killing BTA

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 26, 2015
I have a 29g with a rose bubble tip and two clownfish. The anemone was pretty small when I got it, stayed bubbled and pretty for a little over a month. The clowns eventually realized they could start hosting it/rubbing up against it constantly and I think they really pissed it off. It hasn't bubbles in a couple of weeks. It's still attached to a rock and its mouth is closed. It's just not bubbly and stretched out looking like it was before. Any advice? I'm trying to look into covers I could put over it, but I'm unsure of where to find something like that.

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Clowns can be quite stressful to an anemone if it isn't large enough to support them trying to host it. You can try putting something like a strawberry container or something over it to protect it to see if it can recover. Also, what are your parameters? If things are stressing it already it could be that the clowns aren't helping matters.
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