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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 8, 2024
Los Angeles
Any suggestions for some beginner friendly CO2 systems for smaller tanks?? I got a 6gallon fixer up for Christmas but I've never run CO2 in small tanks before. Tried Neo CO2 and for some reason the last few batches I tried just never produced any CO2 so I'm looking for some alternatives.
I have yeast and sugar that I am planning to put in a 2lt bottle with water that has a airline into a diffuser.

I will run with an airstone and there will be plently of plants and 6 cherry shrimp.

I don't know if this will work for a 6gallon, probabily reduce ingredients.
It will produce constant co2 and the plants create co2 at night, so need to keep an eye on those shrimp in the morning before sunrise.
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