Combatibility Question - Blue Jaw Trigger

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 25, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
I have a 150gal tank with 150lbs of LR, a 2 year old dogface puffer, a recently acquired Lunar Wrasse and Miniatus Grouper. I just introduced a Blue Jaw Trigger yesterday and wanted to ask if anyone had opinions on the compatibility of these guys. Nobody has even acknowledged the trigger's presence. He comes out at night when the light is off but just hovers near the glass, doesn't do much swimming. When the light is on, you rarely see him. I fell in love with him at the LFS, and asked the sales guy (kid) if he would be compatible and if he was a more docile trigger, and he said oh yes, no problems. But what little reading I've done on them online since then has led me to believe they can be quite aggressive and I want to make sure I haven't made a big boo boo.
I am afraid you were mislead by your LFS. The blueline is a very aggressive fish. You should be okay with the current tankmates though. Just watch for signs of trouble.
Psb, the blueline and blue jaw trigger fish are different species. I have read that the blue jaw trigger is among the more docile species of triggerfish... though with triggerfish, alot is dependent on the individual's personality. HTH.
Me Blue-Jaw trigger seems to be very friendly... He is currently in a tank with a Niger Trigger, Picasso Trigger, Dog Faced puffer, Snowflake Eel, Yellow Tail Damsel, and a Velvet Damsel... So far I have not had any issues with him at all... He is a very interesting fish.. If you like the looks of triggers check out the Picasso trigger (Huma huma) Very pretty Trigger... Out of all my fish the Puffer seems to be the more agressive one..

Thank you :) I don't know if my blue jaw is sick, or if it is a fish that just hides all the time. She is constantly behind the rocks, she has not eaten for me yet, I have tried feeding with the light on and with it off and she doesn't even come out to investigate the food. The only time I see her is when the lights are out and she will come out and hover at the top of the water almost motionless in the corner. Can you tell me if this is anything like the way your blue jaw behaves?
I would make sure that he is not being picked on since triggers are extremely active and if you turn the lights on and he hides than something might be wrong. Does he eat well? Also are their any signs of harassment? I would check to make sure, if it's one thing I learned in this hobby is you can never be to careful.
Actually I have noticed that triggers when added to the tank for about the first month act like this until they acclimate to the situation.. Mine will run and hide the Min I walk into the room... Give it a few weeks As soon as he gets used to the environment he will be out and about just fine..

I have had my Blue Jaw Trigger since middle of January. He was a little skittish at first but warmed up to the other fish, very active and ate well. Now this past week he has ben hiding the whole time. He does peek his head out now and then and if he comes out, it's only for a minute our two. He shows no signs of ICK. He barely ate two days ago and even less yestetday. Today he hadn't ate at all. Any suggestions? His behavior has done a total 180. Great fish to watch when he was out swimming with everyone.
Fish in' the tank: Lemmon peel Angel, Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse, Diamond Goby and Flamer Hawk fish.
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