Coming out of hibernation on the east coast

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 23, 2013
Richmond, VA
Just wanted to get a quick opinion on whether or not feeding is okay when the daytime high is in the 60s but it goes to the 30s at night?

I've fed peas twice, on Friday and yesterday afternoon since the water temp has been in the 60s-70s lately. But we're dropping to the 30s this week with highs in the 50-60s.

They are in a tub outside so the water temp usually is swinging right behind the air temp, maybe a few degrees warmer/cooler depending.

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Anybody on this? I stop feeding in the fall suddenly instead of weaning, but does anyone wean them in the spring? I have feed them a couple times when the water was above 50 for a few days, but it has dropped back down since then.

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