Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Before I get started, want to say I read all posts and did research on Iodide, Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, and Emerald Crabs.
My emerald crab died a few weeks ago. She was doing very well and eating constantly and all of a sudden just died, although she never molted. I have two Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp and was advised by LFS to add iodide, which I did, following instructions on bottle. They stopped molting after I started adding iodide.
I bought a SeaChem iodide testing kit, and, although it is hard to interpret, it appeared to show iodide levels that were too high, so I added some declorinator, which is what the test kit suggests.
I wonder if the iodide might have killed the crab. I would like to get another one, but not until I understand what most likely killed the crab. She was not fully grown, so she didn't die of old age. My other water parameters (nitrates, PH, ammonia, nitrites) are all good. In the meantime, I've stopped adding the Iodide.
Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!
My emerald crab died a few weeks ago. She was doing very well and eating constantly and all of a sudden just died, although she never molted. I have two Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp and was advised by LFS to add iodide, which I did, following instructions on bottle. They stopped molting after I started adding iodide.
I bought a SeaChem iodide testing kit, and, although it is hard to interpret, it appeared to show iodide levels that were too high, so I added some declorinator, which is what the test kit suggests.
I wonder if the iodide might have killed the crab. I would like to get another one, but not until I understand what most likely killed the crab. She was not fully grown, so she didn't die of old age. My other water parameters (nitrates, PH, ammonia, nitrites) are all good. In the meantime, I've stopped adding the Iodide.
Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!